Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Sorry it's been so long since I posted ... Let's see... things are going well... I'm getting lots of hours at work.. I'm reliable and am willing to work any shift... and with the fact that we have lost 2 people in 2 weeks... one no called no showed... the other... walked out of the fricken store when I was there... I ended up having to stay that night and close... 11 hour shift that day. He actually came into the store last night too.. for his check.. went into the back room.. I told him he wasn't supposed to be back there.. policy is that current employees aren't even allowed back there if they are not scheduled to be working. his reponse was.. "like a give a fuck." I just walked out for my break... I wanted to deck him... he's a dick and I was the one that suffered that night.... anyways... but my boss loves me so I'm doing great!

Seeing someone again... I'm reserving judgement till I get to know him... Not really got a lot of time to spend with anyone right now anyways...

I have started reading this book series.. Anita Blake Vampire Hunter. by Laurrel K Hamilton. It is great! Anita is strong, witty, small package but can take care of herself. She is a vampire hunter and an animator.. Which means she raises zombies from the grave to question them.. it's all legalized in this little world.. Vampires are mainstream too... and they have some rights.. so she is still a vampire hunter.. but has to do it legally.. so she is the Licensed state vampire executioner... they issue death warrants when a vampire gets out of hand.. she assists the police in any cases that include what they call preternatural suspects. (anyone not human)

It's a great series so far... has vampires, werewolves, wererats, werepanthers etc.. hell even a wereswan lol.. ((curse from a witch)) fairies, lamias, all kinds of supernatural goodies.. The men are all hot of course.. and miss Anita is a goody goody... no sex before marriage... though not a virgin... so there is sexual tension.. and while she hasn't had any sex... the scenes she's observed or dreamed about are  getting steamy.. Apparently I'm told that later in the series they get x-rated... he he.. Anyways.. I would highly reccommend it...

A.. You would love it! Anita is a lot like you actually.. minus the short part... She reminds me of you in a lot of ways... course the Lamia did too lol...

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James

pg 428 "I moan between parted lips and arch my back so my breasts fill my palms. He squeezes my nipples between our thumbs, pulling gently so that they elongate further.

Figured I would add mine too.. hehe, took some time to find a clip that wasn't too hot.. hehe. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Happy April!

Didn't get he full video.. but gotta run to work.. will fix later... 
So Easter is past.. Karma had a blast in her easter egg hunt.. this was the cutest damn thing I've ever fricken seen... Her ponies had to help her with the Easter Egg hunt, and this is the Earth ponies and the pegasuses (her word) racing to get to the purple egg.. I love this damn kid so much!!

Work is going great still, been asked if I'm willing to work nights and close the store... I'm jumping on that! And yesterday I found out why I was asked to... Soo.. I kinda got someone fired yesterday. There was this guy I work with... he's gay, but I don't give a shit.. He kept making comments about how hot the teenage boys who came into the store were hot.. I had already told him once that it was creepy and didn't need to hear it... Well yesterday was shit busy... and he was still making comments on the fricken veggie line.. in front of customers.. making sexual inneundos like crazy... Hey I love entrendres as much as the next person.. but not in front of customers.. and it just got to me.. so I talked to my manager after my shift.. and her exact words.. "ok I don't need to hear anymore.. he's gone" Apparently not the first complaint.. to the point there have been customer complaints and some of the regulars don't come to the store anymore cause he kept hitting on them... So I kinda got him fired.. but he was on of the closers.. so I won't be at all surprised if I get offered some closing shifts soon... sooo yeah... Anyways...

Broke up with my boyfriend.. he needed an open relationship that I thought I could handle.. it hurt more than it should have... and I told him I couldn't deel with it.. and we called it quits.. it was mutual and friendly.. but still sucked.. So single again... blah....

Other than that.. I'm doing great!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Busy Busy

New job is going great, I've wow'd everyone I've worked with which is great cause it means they give me hours, second week in and up to 36 hours!! Woot! And being encouraged to do the supervisor training program.. so that is a good hint lol!
Them loving me so much means they need me this weekend during the busiest weekend of the year for them, a women's national volleyball tournament has 10k+ people at the 16th street mall the outdoor shopping mall in downtown Denver.. and I have been sched 11-7 on Sunday.. which is Karma's b-day and her party at Chuck E Cheese's is at 1:30 .. salon appt at 11 am.. and I'm gonna miss it all.. epic suckage.. but the job is important and all.. gonna make it up to her later of course. and at least this year I'm not in another state.. so it's a plus..

There is a small chance that someone from one of the other stores don't have hours that want them and if they call looking for some cause they know it's a big weekend.. my manager said she would go ahead and give them mine.. Which would prevent needing to ask the District Manager who so far loves me from having his positive view of me tainted... If I wasn't sooo new, it probably wouldn't be a big deal.. but oh well. shit happens right?

On the subject of Karma's party.. I hope it goes well.. I know at least a few of her school friends will be there and her cousins so it shouldn't be a flop. And she is being absolutely spoiled.. Went shopping with Mother in law at Toys R Us for some Lego friends kits .. I wanted to get a couple of those small 10 buck ones right?? She sees a "$20 of Lego purchase of $75 or more" so she decided on an $85 Lego kit.. yeah.. turned out $65.. but still.. then she jokingly tried to blame me to Alex.. That was ALL her... Course then Karma did actually ask for a DVD player, cause her's has been broken forever.. So we are thinking yeah... 20 bucks no problem... BUT MIL sees a Princess DVD player... that had a matching princess TV... $60!!! I was like.. hello??? she got it anyway lol... her money.. Alex said later that her greatest wish is to spend her last dollar on her deathbed. Think he's right

Also got to see Elizabeth today which was nice. She is bout to pop anyday now.. duedate is like the 22nd.. So not gonna last that long.. I'm guessing the 9th.. lol.

Ok well gotta finish getting ready.. gonna go out with the girls tonight.. Haven't been out in awhile and don't work till 11 am lol!! will post a pic tomorrow.. or eventually lol

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day

Happy V-day to all that make my life a little more special!

Been doing great.. Got hired at Subway again... looking forward to going back to work.. and the job is close enough to walk to.. so never a concern about having the car!

The new boyfriend is working out great.. he seems to worship me.. it's kinda nice.

Going to spend the day with him.. And gonna watch Casablanca.. and possibly The Princess Bride, our first date movie.

Karma is doing well, missed monday and tuesday at school cause of a bad cough.. actually asked to go to the doctor on tuesday to get medicine. Had a rough morning yesterday, but the counselors got her calmed down. This morning she was excited bout Valentine's day.. helped her finish up her valentines last night.

Not much else going on.. Will post again soon... ish. lol.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Can run but you can't hide

I've been doing good. Been busy, working a bit.. always good.. just got my first paycheck so least they are legit.
My relationship is going good, and I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts, cause I just saw a picture on someone's list of favorite things and I cried.  Guess I know now why I will go back and forth from dating to single.  I'm always gonna find some reason to end a good thing.. cause I don't want to be taken when he is ready. Why don't I just stay single??? Because I can't take the lonliness. I crave to be told I am beautiful and loved... To see the desire in someone's eyes, to feel the touch of their fingers, lips.. etc. And it just proves that he deserves better, someone stronger, someone loyal. I'm so sorry.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

I can finally say it!!!

I'M TAKEN!! I went out with Nathan again yesterday.. and after a wonderful afternoon.. he said that I was amazing and he really wanted to see where things can go.. then he said.. and I quote. "I want you to be my girl. Please be mine"
Yes.. I melted. Ther is something really wonderful about hearing a man call you "mine" while looking into your eyes.. And he's dominant to boot.. score!

I am looking for faults though.. cause no one is this perfect.. but seriously he loves video games, table gaming like D&D, puzzles!!!!!, The Princess Bride and all of Mel Brooks' other movies.  He has been married and divorced.. but his ex-wife passed away (took her life) last november.

So anyways.. I'm all twitterpated.

Hanging out with Karma today.. playing Lego Indiana Jones again, she is really good at that game.. atm she is on her Ipad mini playing one of her many apps. So mommy gets some computer time yay.

Oh and epic fail bout 30 min ago.  Had warmed up the rest of my red lobster birthday dinner to eat for lunch.. shrimp scampi, garlic grilled shrimp and rice pilaf.. and one of the cheddar bay biscuits.. yup pure heaven... Well I was talking on the phone .. (to Nathan :P) and was walking through the kitchen with my warmed up togo box from red lobster when I stepped in a puddle of water I didn't know was there and .2 secs later was looking up at the ceiling with my ankle throbbing in pain.. and my lunch.. is all over the floor!
I salvaged the garlic grilled shrimp, but had to throw the rest away and vaccum up a lot of rice.

Course it was kinda sweet when Nathan heard I twisted my ankle he said "Then I know the first thing I'm gonna do when I see you this afternoon" reply. "Oh what's that?" "give you and ankle rub" "awwww".. He he.. yeah sorry I'm gushing.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Day started out great, good friend of mine swung by and took me to breakfast, and then I was just relaxing at home for a bit, which was great. Got a call for a work order while out with D. 221 bucks for 10 hours deep cleaning a house. I said oh yeah!

So finally met one of the guys from okc (okcupid) that I talked to first.  He is a really great guy.. we got chinese food and watched The Princess Bride. Both of us have seen it a few dozen times.
I had a really great time with him.. and he seemed to think I was gorgeous.. It was really great to be able to look a guy in the eyes and see the attraction, something I've craved for a long time.

My little girl had a good day and a good visit with her speech therapist Clarice. She is making great progress.. and just a few sentances from Clarice, she was able to grasp the concept of taking a break from a frustrating video game.  So she is coping better with those.  Got her homework all done and after her 15 min on xbox playing LEGO: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, I said ok time for your bath, 5.2 secs later she was nude and in the tub.. no water even in it yet lol.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Another Year Gone

Ok, so maybe not too on top of this atm.. but hey.. two posts in the same month, that has to be an accomplishment right??

Ok, so got a part time job cleaning houses, pay is decent.. if I can get enough work. No benefits though.. and Independent contracting kinda sucks come tax time.. but it's a job.

Today is my b-day... I don't feel a year older.. no one ever does.. but.. when I look back over the last year... yeah.. 31 sucked! 32 will be much better.. I hope..

So a friend suggested I join one of the free online dating sites... I thought, what the hell? No mind blowingly great guy yet, but the guy who is taking me to dinner tonight for my b-day is actually pretty cool.. little older than me, no worries.. but pretty much a confirmed bachelor.. but he's fun to hang out with at least.. and he likes my cooking... that's Step 1 right? I was actually kinda shocked by the responses I've been getting.. course one guy who opened with .. "I want to ...... inside you.. " yeah dickhead got a nasty reply.. I mean really?!?! The nerve of some people will never cease to amaze me seriously...

So that's bout it.. stay tuned ... but don't hold your breath.. ((I would hate to have deaths on my hands lol))

Monday, January 7, 2013

Distance makes the Heart grown fonder

Or so they say.. I know it's been awhile since I posted.. good news is that the shitastic year of 2012 is over.. I spent 9 months of it without my little girl.. but finally made it back to her.. My best friend got away from the dickhead ... course it was after he prostituted her and nearly killed her.. and raped an 8 year old little girl... yes he is in prison now.. it's the only reason she's away now. But she is doing good.. got a better man.. and pregnant again..

Me I am living with my ex actually.. we finally were able to have the "why we broke up" conversation.. were able to realize that we make better friends than lovers.. but that we can at least be roommates for our daughter's sake while I get on my feet.

I am in the process of finding a job.. but.. do have an interview on Wed.. hoping I get it... would be a great boost.

I plan on making 2013 a great year.. 13 is my lucky number after all.

Got a few goals..
Want to lose 50 lbs this year.. well 50 more.. I've already lost 20..
Want to get closer to my goal of culinary school,
Hope to get a car
Get back in touch with my pen pals
And get Goddess Creations up and running with my friend Amby.
And most of all.. actually use this blog for a change. lol