Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Finding myself

So for the last several months.. I have been trying to figure out.. who I really am. What I really like, what I enjoy.. and I think I've finally done it. I'm kinda shy.. very outgoing.. extremely flirtacious.. highly sexual, willing to bend over backwards and give up what I am for those I love. And that is where I keep messing up. I have never put myself first, nor will I ever completely do so as a mother.. but I am finally gonna stop putting everyone else first. I'm gonna stop walking on eggshells with everyone. I have to be myself, and if that isn't good enough.. then anyone who feels that way can kiss my ass. So many people have tried to convince me of this, but I finally have figured it out.


  1. Welcome to what we tried to show you.

  2. thats me Amby btw for some reason I can not post with my google name.

  3. Oh I could tell hun.. and that is odd it won't let you post with your google name..
