Thursday, September 8, 2011

Life sucks.. then you learn

I have been insanely busy, stressed and working my ass off lately. I am the kind of person who would bend over backwards for those I love.. and last night.. I had to learn that I can't always do that. I offered my home to someone who said she was finally gonna leave her abusive husband.. I woke up this morning to find her and her son gone.. but all her shit still here including her phone. I just have this feeling she went back to him.. which means she had him come pick her up.. and the only reason my place was safe last night.. was cause he didn't know where I lived.. and now he does.. So I offered my home to one of the people closest to me.. and she put me at risk.. not to mention her and her son.. the ass has already choked her.. next time he may not stop.. and she just won't listen..
I just can't understand how a friendship of 21 years.. that survived 2 marriages, a cult.. and everything else we went through.. can be destroyed in one night.. but it was.. I'm just glad I'm not friendless.. I know I have friends.. who would NEVER ever betray me like that.. they would never put me at risk like that.. even if I offered. guess it's times like these you figure out who your real friends are.