Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day

Happy V-day to all that make my life a little more special!

Been doing great.. Got hired at Subway again... looking forward to going back to work.. and the job is close enough to walk to.. so never a concern about having the car!

The new boyfriend is working out great.. he seems to worship me.. it's kinda nice.

Going to spend the day with him.. And gonna watch Casablanca.. and possibly The Princess Bride, our first date movie.

Karma is doing well, missed monday and tuesday at school cause of a bad cough.. actually asked to go to the doctor on tuesday to get medicine. Had a rough morning yesterday, but the counselors got her calmed down. This morning she was excited bout Valentine's day.. helped her finish up her valentines last night.

Not much else going on.. Will post again soon... ish. lol.